Jumat, 27 Desember 2013


Beberapa waktu lalu, nonton ulang How I Met Your Mother season 8, episode 1. Dan menemukan scene yang bagus banget. HIMYM itu emang sitkom bagus deh. Banyak pelajaran yang bisa diambil, disamping lucu-lucu dan menghiburnya. 

Jadi disini ada percakapan antara Ted dan Klaus di stasiun kereta. Disini Ted nanya ke Klaus kenapa Klaus ninggalin Victoria di hari pernikahan mereka, sebelum awalnya Ted mergokin si Klaus turun dari jendela kamarnya turun manjat pipa air padahal Ted sendiri baru aja naro surat Victoria yang juga mau ninggalin Klaus di hari pernikahan mereka demi Ted. And the dialog continue to :

There is a word in German : Lebenslangenschicksalsschatz. And the closest translation would be : 'Lifelong Treasury of Destiny'. 
And Victoria is wunderbar (wonderful), but she's not my Lebenslangenschicksalsschatz. She is my Beinaheleidenschaftsgegenstand, you know? It means 'The thing that is almost the thing that you want, but it's not quite.'
Lebenslangenschicksalsschatz is not something that develops over time. It is something that happens instantaneously. It courses through you, like the water of a river after a storm, filling you and emptying you all at once. You feel it throughout your body. In your hands, in your heart, in your stomach, in your skin. Of course you feel it in your Schlauchmachendejungen- pardon my French.
Klaus : Have you ever felt this way about someone?
Ted : Yeah, I think so.
Klaus : If you have to think about it, you have not felt it.
Ted : And you're absolutely sure you'll find that someday?
Klaus : Of course. Everyone does eventually. You just never know when or where.

And, the story continued to Ted met the girl with yellow umbrella and then the film is ended.

Terus aku jadi mikir sendiri. Kapan dan dimana aku akan menemukan my Lebenslangen-schicksalsschatz. Dan gimana kalo sebenarnya aku udah pernah ketemu dengan nya, tapi ga nyadar. Tapi kayak kata Klaus, if we still have to think about it, then it's not my Lebenslangenschicksalsschatz. Maybe it's just my Beinaheleidenschaftsgegenstand or my wunderbar one. Haha.